An outdoor podium discussion that unfolds like a fireside conversation, exploring the intersection of faith, philosophy, and personal sacrifice in today's world.
set design/lighting/cinematography/editing by dignified media
An elevated podcast production for "Pints with Aquinas".
cinematography by dignified media
A gala film that showcases the vital role of monasteries in the modern world, sharing powerful impact stories to inspire support and raise funds for the cause.
narrative/cinematography/editing by dignified media
A timely and important spiritual initiative, this global call led by a prominent prelate of the Church invites the faithful from around the world to deepen their devotion and seek the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe in these challenging times.
cinematography and editing by dignified media
This documentary style film captures the timeless spirituality of the Discalced Hermits of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, offering an intimate look into their ascetic life and profound dedication to prayer and solitude that defines this ancient vocation.
cinematography/editing by dignified media
This mission film delves into the priestly vocation in modern times, highlighting the Institute of Christ the King’s commitment to living Truth in Charity through their profound service to the Church.